Downloading Our Files Step-By-Step
Downloading our files takes a few steps. We use Apple IPads for most of our work, so the steps outline below may be a little different on a PC.
After you have purchased one or more of our designs, you will be sent an email containing a link to download your files.
Step 1: Click on the Download Your Order button to reach the next screen.
Step 2: Click the Download Link
Step 3:
Click the Download Now link
Step 4:
Click the SAVE button
Step 5:
Select where you want the files saved. I save my files to my computer as shown.
Step 6:
Select OPEN IN
Step 7: Select the location where the files will be opened. I open my files from my computer, so I select Save To Files
Step 8: In this step, verify the file name is correct. Then select the SAVE button to add the file to your computer (usually your downloads folder)
Step 9: Open your computer’s download folder. You should see the zip folder that contains the files you ordered. Click on the zip folder to open it.
Step 10: A file folder will show on you downloads screen. In this case, mine is blue. Click on the new folder.
Step 11: This screen shows one or more zipped folder. In this example, the first folder contains the files that were ordered. If you ordered multiple designs, there will be 2 or more additional folders. Each folder must be opened to access the files you ordered. In this example, there is a second zipped folder. The second zipped file is some free designs that come with the order. Note: not all designs come with free designs. This is a promotional we are currently running and shown for example only.
Step 12: This screen shows the file folder that has the downloadable files. Click on the new folder.
Step 13: You’ve reached your destination. These are the unzipped files that have been ordered. They are saved on your computer’s downloads folder and ready to be used with your software (Canva, Inkscape, etc) for final sizing before burning your hat.