Hat Burning Tool

Hat Burning Tool

When hat burning it is essential to have a good soldering iron or wood burning tool. The image above shows the tool we use. It is designed for wood burning, but it works great when burning hats. You can read more about it or purchase it on Amazon.com by clicking on this link.

Unless you are experience in hat burning, it is easier to learn with a tool that allows you to adjust the temperature. We've also found it easier to add shadowing or other techniques to our hat designs.

Here's what we like about the tool we have and recommend:

  1. It is easy to adjust the temperature. And it has a display so we know what temperatures work best for us.
  2. It includes 30 pin tips which are more than we will ever need.
  3. Changing tips is easy and the kit includes a screwdriver.
  4. It is perfect for beginners to advanced users.
  5. It is inexpensive.

If you want a good hat burning tool we feel the tool we use is a great choice.

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