How To

Hat Burning Tool
Getting great results when hat burning requires some skills, and it is easier done with the right tools. In this article we go over the wood burning tool we use...
Hat Burning Tool
Getting great results when hat burning requires some skills, and it is easier done with the right tools. In this article we go over the wood burning tool we use...

Hat Burning Tutorial: Transferring A Design Our...
Hat burning is a fun and creative hobby. But how to transfer that design isn't always so clear. In this article and accompanying video, we show you exactly how we...
Hat Burning Tutorial: Transferring A Design Our...
Hat burning is a fun and creative hobby. But how to transfer that design isn't always so clear. In this article and accompanying video, we show you exactly how we...

How To Print And Size Our Hat Burning Templates
Learn in a couple of minutes our method of sizing our hat burning templates to fit a hat. We include a video showing you the exact method we use to size...
How To Print And Size Our Hat Burning Templates
Learn in a couple of minutes our method of sizing our hat burning templates to fit a hat. We include a video showing you the exact method we use to size...

How To Transfer A Hat Burning Design
We get a lot of questions about how to transfer our designs to a hat. In this article we include a video showing three examples taken from wood burning showing...
How To Transfer A Hat Burning Design
We get a lot of questions about how to transfer our designs to a hat. In this article we include a video showing three examples taken from wood burning showing...

How To Print Our Hat Burning Designs
One of the questions we're often asked is "How do I print and use your designs?". In this article, I'll walk you through the process step-by-step. I've also included photos...
How To Print Our Hat Burning Designs
One of the questions we're often asked is "How do I print and use your designs?". In this article, I'll walk you through the process step-by-step. I've also included photos...

What Is Hat Burning?
Hat burning is fun and rewarding. In this article we go into what hat burning is, where it comes from, and how to get started burning hats.
What Is Hat Burning?
Hat burning is fun and rewarding. In this article we go into what hat burning is, where it comes from, and how to get started burning hats.